Help your neighbors today.

Help your neighbors today.


We are a volunteer community organization established to provide temporary immediate nutritional and hygienic support for individuals and families who are in need of such services.


The Woodland Food Closet provides a basic, direct service. We pack 3 days of food supplies for nutritionally balanced meals. Each family member receives 9 meals total. Our clients are individuals, families, seniors, children and infants. The Woodland Food Closet is the only agency in Woodland to provide food distribution on a daily basis, Monday through Friday. We are not, however, an ongoing food source. Individuals who are in need of long term assistance will be referred to Department of Employment and Social Services to explore other resources and options.

Food Distribution

 Woodland Food Closet clients are limited to one visit per month for food allocation.

 Food is currently distributed
Monday – Friday
3 p.m. to 4 p.m. at 

New Location:
420 Grand Ave.
Woodland, CA 95695

Please note no referral required at this time.  


The Woodland Food Closet participates in four annual events: Season of Caring, Big Day of Giving, Scouting for Food, and our Annual Summer Mailer campaign. Don’t miss an event by following us on Facebook or Instagram for regular updates.

Season of Caring

Our annual campaign that takes place during the holiday season, beginning in November and stretching to January. Donation envelopes are inserted in the Daily Democrat newspaper and delivered to subscribers. A QR code is available to online subscribers. Local businesses and community organizations can get involved by holding events that support us with cash or food donations.  Follow us on social media to get the most up to date information! 

Big Day of Giving

An annual 24-hour giving event that unites caring people to raise funds for nonprofits that strengthen El Dorado, Placer, Sacramento, and Yolo counties. Big Day of Giving occurs the first Thursday of May every year! Check our social media for the most recent links and updates.

Scouting for Food

A community-wide food drive benefiting the Woodland Food Closet, coordinated by the Local Boy Scout Troops. This event is held on the 2nd Saturday of March.

Summer Mailer

Our Summer Mailer is a longstanding fundraising campaign. Donation envelopes are sent to homes throughout the area with a letter explaining how our community members can help feed our neighbors in need. Look for our donation request in your mailbox during June and July.  

Season of Caring Annual Campaign

Tuesday, November 24 – Saturday, December 13

Our annual Season of Caring campaign, supported by the Daily Democrat, kicks off in November. The campaign is The Woodland Food Closet’s biggest annual campaign. Donation envelopes will be interested in the Daily Democrat newspaper starting Nov. 24 and Dec. 13.

Pancake Breakfast Presented by Woodland Masonic Lodge #81

Sunday, December 1, 2019  |  8 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
$10 per person | $5 for ages 12 and under | $25 for a family of four

Woodland Masonic Lodge #81
228 Palm Ave, Woodland, CA 95695

Tickets available at the door or in advance by contacting (530) 662-7020



A two hour a month commitment to pack groceries. Substitutes are also needed


Canned or foods, and toiletries are always welcome. Monetary donations can be made online or mailed.

Consider joining our Monthly Donors by setting up regular donations of any dollar amount. An online option, via PayPal, is available, as well as mailing checks to PO Box 803, Woodland, CA 95776.


Sort and move food after the Annual Scouting for Food event, among other community events.


Help us spread the word of the important work we do. Invite us to speak at your club, church, business, or social gathering.

Join Our Team

Woodland Food Closet is hiring! Please find below our open position for consideration.

Food Recovery Specialist – Full Time


Woodland Volunteer Bureau Food Closet aka Woodland Food Closet was established in 1968 to provide emergency assistance to the needy in Yolo County. The Woodland Food Closet, a community based, non-profit service agency, was originally established in response to a Yolo County Grand Jury report, which saw a real need for the formation of a food distribution source in the Woodland area. Our primary focus is to provide three days of nutritionally balanced meals to every individual referred to us who is in an emergency, or crisis situation, or is waiting for other assistance to begin. 

SB1383 Food Recovery Program

CA Senate Bill 1383 (SB 1383) requires cities, in coordination with their county, to plan for the necessary organic waste recycling and food recovery capacity needed to divert organic waste from landfills into recycling activities and food recovery organizations. The Woodland Food Closet has partnered with our city to take part in SB 1383 Edible Food Recovery Program by receiving consumable food from local vendors that would otherwise end up in our landfills.

As part of this program, vendors provide us with excess consumable food that is rotated out on a weekly basis that would normally be sent to the landfill. Our volunteers pick up this food, deliver and sort it at our facility to be distributed to our clients.

More information about SB1383 can be found as



The Woodland Food Closet produces quarterly newsletters to inform the community of all upcoming events and the latest news. Don’t miss an event by following us on Facebook or Instagram for regular updates and subscribing to our newsletter.


Check back soon for the fall 2024 edition.

Board Members

As of April 2024


Board Officers 2023-24:
Romie Holland, President
Kim Arthur, Vice-President
Debbie Gilbert, Treasurer
Vicki Watson, Secretary

Kathy Aukes
Lowell Johnson
Craig Jones
Kim Richter
Anne Saunders
Carly Fessler
Michael Fessler

Executive Director:
Tania Garcia-Cadena

Data Management Assistant
Monique Brammeier


Over 70 dedicated volunteers and one part-time Executive Director keep the Woodland Food Closet operating. A Board of Directors, comprised of community members, governs the program.

The Woodland Food Closet operates from 420 Grand Ave., Woodland, CA.

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 803
Woodland, CA 95776

(530) 662-7020